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Balancing fairness and complexity in franchise arbitration

By: Ben Hanuka Franchise disputes often involve complex relationships and differing levels of experience, financial resources or business and legal expertise between the parties and their counsel. While franchisors frequently possess significant operational and financial resources, this is not universally the case. Franchisees, especially larger multi-unit or master franchisees, may have comparable resources and experience....

Ben Hanuka Principal of Law Works PC (Ontario), Ben Hanuka PC (Alberta) and Law Works LC (British Columbia)

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Choosing arbitration in franchise disputes: A guide for lawyers representing franchisees

By: Ben Hanuka Edited by: Rebecca Colley Franchise disputes are often complex, highlighting the disparity in sophistication and financial resources between franchisees and franchisors. When the franchise...

Ben Hanuka Principal of Law Works PC (Ontario), Ben Hanuka PC (Alberta) and Law Works LC (British Columbia)

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Fix it or nix it: the 5 key elements of a valid FDD

By: Ben Hanuka, Law Works Editor: Rebecca Colley, Law Works Based on recent court decisions, if your FDD does not contain these 5 key elements, it is...

Ben Hanuka Principal of Law Works PC (Ontario), Ben Hanuka PC (Alberta) and Law Works LC (British Columbia)

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Franchise Case Highlights for 2019

This article, written by Ben Hanuka, was originally published in The Lawyer’s Daily on December 11, 2019, under the same title. Author: Ben Hanuka, Law Works Here...

Ben Hanuka Principal of Law Works PC (Ontario), Ben Hanuka PC (Alberta) and Law Works LC (British Columbia)

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Supreme Court of Canada Rules Quebec Cleaning Franchisee is an Employee

Author: Anthony Pugh, Law Works P.C. Editor: Ben Hanuka, Law Works P.C. In Modern Cleaning Concept Inc. v. Comité paritaire de l’entretien d’édifices publics de la région...

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